quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011


MEDICAL GEOLOGY GROUP SGU’s international cooperation on R&D Owing to the nature of its activities SGU is very much dependent on international contacts and impulses. Geology is an international science, and geological formations do not respect national boundaries. The solution to a geological problem in Sweden may be found in another part of the world where the geological conditions are similar or where processes are in progress that took place in Sweden at an earlier stage of its geological development. To some extent, Sweden is more dependent on well-developed international contacts than many other larger countries that have more resources. Forms of cooperation: Participation in international conferences, symposia and excursions Researcher exchanges and researcher visits Close cooperation with other geological surveys (both European and non-European) Participation in international cooperation projects Participation in committees and working groups in international organizations International programmes and organizations Some of the international programmes and organizations in which SGU participates in one way or another are mentioned below. COGEOENVIRONMENT (Commission on Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning) EuroGeoSurveys FONGS (Forum of Nordic Geological Surveys) FOREGS (Forum of European Geological Surveys) IAEG (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment) IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy) IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists) IGCP (International Geological Correlation Programme) IHP (International Hydrological Programme) INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) International Peat Society ARSENIC GROUNDWATTER POLLUTIONS MERCURY CONTAMINATIONS USING PLANTS IN BIOGEOCHEMICAL STUDIES MEDICAL GEOLOGY SHORT COURSES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SWEDEN BOX 679 SE 761 281 UPPSALA SEE TOO THE GEOLGOCIAL SURVEY OD USA

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